What now, following the Autumn Statement

In some respects, the Chancellor’s predicament is deserving of a sympathetic ear; its as if he has a long journey ahead but has one foot firmly nailed to the floor.

Stagnant growth in the UK and global economy has driven up taxation in order to meet the goals set to reduce borrowing as a percentage of GDP.

Inflation is reducing but is still above the Bank England’s target to have inflation back to 2%. In which case we will likely have high interest rates for some time.

It is difficult to see how tax rates could fall in the short or even medium term without an increase in economic activity. If tax rates were reduced, the fall in revenue would have to be met by more austerity, which in turn, would exaggerate the current cost of living crisis.

Where does this leave UK business owners?

We should probably consider elasticity of demand for products and services delivered. For example, if you sell products or services where demand is high or where there are few or no readily available substitutes for your products, you are likely to meet less resistance to raising your selling prices to pass on your increased costs. In this way you can maintain profitability and cash flow.

Compare this with businesses who sell goods or services where there are lower cost substitutes or where demand can be deferred, for example, a new kitchen. Businesses affected in this way will be less likely to recover increased costs by raising their prices. Profits will fall followed by loss of cash reserves and solvency.

We can help. Call now so that we can consider your options. What is clear, is that unlike our Chancellor, we can make choices and business planning during these uncertain times is a must-do activity.

Source:Other | 27-11-2023
By Published On: November 30th, 2023Categories: Uncategorised

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