Thompson Elphhick News
Paying tax by direct debit
One of the many ways that payments can be made to HMRC is by using a direct debit. The direct debit can be set up online. You can pay your tax bill using direct debit if you have an online account
Cash flow v supplier credit limits
In a recent article we explained how granting lengthy credit limits to customers was as good as letting them keep your money in their bank account. In this post we describe the opposite situation,
Back of an envelope
If you run a business and manage your planning by scribbling notes on the back of an envelope, you might be advised to read the contents of this article. When the economy is vibrant, effectively when
Loss of personal tax allowance
If you earn over £100,000 in any tax year your personal allowance is gradually reduced by £1 for every £2 of adjusted net income over £100,000 irrespective of age. This means that any taxable receipt
Replacement of domestic items relief
The replacement of domestic items relief enables landlords to claim tax relief when they replace movable furniture, furnishings, household appliances and kitchenware in a rental property. The
Tax free annual party
The cost of a staff party or other annual entertainment is generally allowed as a deduction for tax purposes. If you meet the various criteria outlined below, then there is no requirement to report
Self-Assessment scam warning
Fraudsters are continuing to target taxpayers with scam emails in advance of the deadline for the submission of Self-Assessment returns for the 2022-23 tax year. In the 12 months to September 2023,
Scottish council tax frozen
Humza Yousaf, Scotland's First Minister, has announced that council tax rates will be frozen in the next financial year to support people struggling with the effects of high inflation. First
Countdown to Self-Assessment filing deadline
There are now less than 100 days to file your 2022-23 Self-Assessment tax return online. The deadline is 31 January 2024. The deadline for paper returns ended on 31 October 2023. You should also be
Cash flow v customer credit limits
If your business grants a customer time to pay - say 30 days - after the services or goods supplied have been delivered, effectively, your money stays in their bank account for 30 days. Further, if
New company reporting regulation withdrawn
The Government has withdrawn draft regulations after consultation with companies raised concerns about imposing additional reporting requirements. Instead, the Government will pursue options to
Who needs an EORI number?
The Economic Operators' Registration and Identification System (EORI) was setup as a European Union (EU) wide initiative that helps businesses communicate with customs officials when they are